
There are communities within our city and people come together to share their love of them.

It might be a neighborhood to celebrate, an ethnic heritage, music, hobby or sport.  There’s no one definition for a festival.  It could be held on a blocked off street, plaza or park.  It might be free to attend, or admission could be charged.  It might simply be for an afternoon, a weekend, or a week.  There’s no common requirement, but you can count on food being sold, and t-shirts to buy, and usually a band or several.

Calgary has so many festivals I couldn’t tell you about them all but I’m going to try, just not all at once.  For me I can’t miss the “4th Street Lilac Festival”, to me this is the start of summer.  But for you it could be the “Calgary Folk Music Festival”.  

Maybe those don’t interest you, you hate food trucks, walking through booths and road closures, you avoid festivals.  Well how Pet-A-Palooza?  That’s right a festival for pet lovers.  Or Wordfest for book lovers.  Maybe a beer festival is more you speed, try dozens of local brews?  What about a international firework festival?  A children’s festival?  Have you heard of Beakerhead, it’s a artist and engineering festival?  Calgary has two separate comedy festivals, YYComedy and Funnyfest.  Our continually growing “Comic & Entertainment Expo”.  There’s more to find and attend I’m sure there’s one for you.

There’s always something going on in our city.  Most of these are focused in the summer, but don’t think the winter months are without community events.  

Enjoy some entertainment, try the foods, and experience something new.  (Just don’t expect parking)