I’ve dusted off this site, Instagram, and all of its Facebook integrations. Does this mean you can count on this being your one-stop for what’s going on in Calgary? No. I’m not committing to that. It’s about baby steps, and my first step is “Instagram Daily”.

Address: 908 17th Ave SW
The genesis for this site was when I was told, “You should do restaurant reviews”. I had posted some to Facebook, but it felt a little “So what”. I wanted to build a site that was more, that idea grew into “Choosing Urban”. However I’ve been asking myself for years, “Is it a restaurant review site?”. My answer is always, “No, it’s more.” “Is it a news site?” “No, never”. “Is it a straight blog, with a running editorial?” It isn’t, but that is the format I envision, but I question the tone of it, “Who am I writing to”, “Who’s my audience?” A long time back I was told, “just go with your instinct”. “What you write will fit, because it’s you, and it’s your site.” I’ve pitched the site to people as, “being about living downtown.” But then my posts are only about places and attractions. I struggle to put my opinions and ideas out there. While some can fill pages without a second thought I can not. So let’s start with baby steps, bite-sized, tidbits, and short form.

Address: 1115 & 1112, 9th St SW
My intention is to share my family’s experience living downtown. I’m putting the finishing touches on a little article about our visit to the Chinatown street festival a few weeks ago. I have more in the draft stage but I don’t want to over commit. In the meantime Instagram will be the place to see my daily efforts. The three most recent are along this site’s left banner, and can be clicked and followed if your not on Instagram.