- Opened: Friday, June 26 2020
- Address: 1502 14 Street SW
- Kid-Friendly: Yesssss!!!
- Brunch: Could be, but I prefer morning pastries with coffee
- Website: www.breadculture.ca
- Instagram: breadculture you need to follow
- Google Pics: Link
- Calgary Herald Article: Link
Before Bread Culture opened I walked past and was glad to see something new coming into the space. I wondered what it could be? Then the first sign went up “Bread Culture” I took a picture to remind me to tell my wife about it! “A bakery opening close to us!
“Our family likes baked goods”, and that’s putting it mildly. Sure when it comes time to going to a movie theater I’m going to tell you I need candy, but really I’d give it up, if it was one or the other, for croissants.

For a few weeks I walked past, thinking about the difficulty opening up during a pandemic. Then the announcement on Instagram, June 26th would be the big day. But before that, a sneak peek, with one free croissant on June 20th!
The weekend came, and Saturday morning I hyped the kids up about the newest bakery. We went over a few minutes after nine and received our free croissants and purchased a few others.
Since that day our patrionange to the other local bakeries has dropped off. Proximity has something to do with it, but really that wouldn’t matter if it wasn’t absolutely outstanding. Bread Culture stands out with its variety of baked goods, and impeccable quality.
I’d like to say every weekend, (but I’m middle aged now, and that kind of indulgence catches up with you) but frequently enough. I head over to Bread Culture on a weekend morning right at opening when selection is best. There’s always a line up of loyal baking aficionados there to get their weekly? Fix.

My natural impulse to go straight for the almond croissant, but in actuality there’s too much to try. Most weekends I decide to try something else.

Our son believes the “strawberry cakes” are the best. The cheese buns are really something else, but I still prefer something sweet in the morning.
My standing recommendation is the morning bun. This light, flaky layered decadence is sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. Then inside is a citrus zest, that makes the sun brighter, the day better and the kids more patient, (one can dream). The is a top pic for both of the kids.

Our daughter has a frequent preference for chocolate croissants. For my wife it’s brioche anything, sugar, chocolate, berry, yes please.
There pretzel buns, worth a trip for. I was told this past week that they will only be available on Sundays for the time being.
I’m going to be honest we haven’t actually tried any bread, from Bread Culture. But soon, simple toast and jam for me.

Over Christmas break, I went over to Bread Culture for a bit of essential morning sustenance. What was this? “Brioche de Noël” Onsight I knew I wanted it, I bought a loaf in addition to my regular items of baked joy. At home, I excitedly removed it from the bag, exquisite! Not too sweet, light, texture that defies belief. I went back the next weekend for another bit of Christmas. It was done! Till next year! Aaaah, till next year, I’ll be back for thee.

I mustn’t leave out the owner’s and staff. Everyone is so kind and friendly, clearly they know they are selling joy disguised as baked goods.
Bread Culture, worth getting up for, worth waiting in line for, worth trying everything they offer.