or what is Beakerhead?
- Since: 2013
- Date: 5 Days Wed-Sun, September 13th – 17th
- Time: Most events 11am – 8pm
- Where: All over see official site for locations
- What: 60 events, shows, experiments and workshops
- https://beakerhead.com/
- Google Pics: Link
- Beakerhead 2017 Program Guide DOWNLOAD
- Saturday 7pm – 11pm
- Fort Calgary and East Village River Walk
- “Science’s Biggest Street Party”

- This video is not my own this is linked from https://beakerhead.com/about
Beakerhead is an outdoor exhibit of art, science and engineering, it takes place over five days and several sites. It is a great chance to see the city come together to experience something unique. From what I understand Beakerhead doesn’t travel, it is a Calgary event. Some of the exhibits do travel to other events. I have to confess, in all my years I’ve only been to one exhibit and that was two years ago. This year our family’s taking in the sights and sounds of Beakerhead. We’ll check out one or two of the exhibits outside the east village area during the week. Then Stephen Ave on Friday night, and the big site’s on Saturday. I want to see my little girl see the “Serpent Mother”, I’m sure she’ll call it a dragon.
Learn more about Beakerhead and it’s past events on the Wiki page with this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beakerhead
Learn more about UofC’s involvement with Beakerhead in UToday with this: http://ucalgary.ca/utoday/issue/2017-09-12/explore-your-science-curiosity-beakerhead-2017
Nearly all the exhibits are free and sound awesome to check out. Will there be food trucks in the area? I don’t know, but seems likely. Will it be cancelled it it rains? They say no way, it will happen rain or shine. I think it’s going to be a great spectacle and I hope to get some awesome pictures.
Come down, check it out, share your stories.
To see information about all the exhibits including times and locations with pictures follow this: https://beakerhead.com/events
- Be sure to check out these exhibits
- Loop – Interactive Musical Installation Link
- Bowwave – Illuminated Art on the banks of the Bow Link
- Mars 112 – It’s a showhome, On Mars Link
- Serpent Mother – Pyrotechnic Spectacle Link Check it out!
- Impulse – Lit up giant motion aware Teeter-Tooters! Link
- Scent Bar – Theatrical sensory experiences Link
- Engineered Eats – Creative foods and beverages from 25 bars and restaurants Link
- Malted Milkshake Madness – Learn the science and create Link
- Beakerbar – Cold brews and chemical cocktails are yours for the tasting Link